Pinch Hitter Course - Leading Edge Aviation

Pinch Hitter Course

One of the best parts about flying is sharing the experience with others. The majority of the time, these people are nonpilots such as friends, family, and business associates.

This course is designed for those non-pilot companions to gain the knowledge and skill required to take over the plane in a worst case scenario.

Through a combination of ground and flight training, you will learn basic aircraft control, radio communications, and how to get the plane safely on the ground.

Our Pinch Hitter Course includes 4 hours of ground training and 3 hours of flight training.  

pinch hitter course. Do those who fly with you know what to do in case of an emergency? Give your non-pilot companions the knowledge and skill required to take over the plane in a worst case scenario. Group Ground School Course Starting Soon or Individual Lessons Available. Taught by Emily Hillman.